August 26, 2008

Blog to Podcast solution

I found this wonderful web tool that provides service of converting the blogs to podcast. Now readers of my blog have an option to listen to my blog.

Odiogo ( is compatible with all blog engines that publish RSS feeds such as Typepad, Blogger, WordPress or Overblog. The generated MP3 files are stored on their servers. Weblog owner does not need to worry about technical integration tasks or bandwidth.

Not only is Odiogo free, it may be able to generate advertising revenues. Once your listenership reaches a significant level, you may qualify for a share of ad income!

August 22, 2008

Barriers to Communications

Barriers to Communications

1.     Physical – noise, distance, time, environment, physical medium

2.     Cultural - ethnic, religious, and social differences

3.     Perceptional - viewing what is said from your own mindset

4.     Words - we assign a meaning to a word often because of culture, experience, etc reasons which results in improper encoding of message

5.     Experiential - lack of similar experience

6.     Emotional - personal feelings at the moment or doing other things besides listening

7.     Linguistic - different languages or vocabulary

8.     Non-verbal - non-word messages

9.     Gestures - misunderstood gestures are a major barrier

10.  Variations in language - accent, dialect


Note: The most likely outcome of communication blocker and miscommunication are conflicts.


Any of the above barriers to communications can create interferences or disturbances and impact the effectiveness of the communication. Project Manager should look for such barriers and try to minimize (or better still, eliminate) the source/cause.




Note: This is an extract from my book “Project Communication Management Summarized”, you may read the book for complete context and content.


August 11, 2008

Linux solution to use exchange mail which works like outlook on windows

I have been looking for a Linux based solution to use exchange mail which can work as Outlook would on Windows environment. We need something that can fetch mails, lookup contact on the server, show calendar items as is and does not crash too often.

I tried to look for MS specific APIs to see if something can be built, however no solution yet. If you know of a solution, please do let me know. This could mean a new open source software with wraps the MS APIs to work on Linux environment.

Any ideas???