June 10, 2008

Government of India has an online grievance forum

URL http://pgportal.gov.in/

Use this grievance forum and educate others who don't know about this facility. This way we can at least raise our concerns instead of just talking about the 'System ' in India.

June 1, 2008

Methods of communication

  1. Formal written - Project Plan, Project charter, Specifications, Reports, Metrics
  2. Formal verbal - Presentation, speeches
  3. Informal written - Memos, Email, Notes
  4. Informal verbal - Meetings, Conversations


Note: Project Management Plan is the best type of communication method to use when there are cultural differences and distance between team members.


Nonverbal Messages:

1.     Accounts for about 55% of what is perceived and understood by others.

2.     Are conveyed through our facial expressions as well as our postures and gestures.

Para-verbal Messages:

1.     Account for about 38% of what is perceived and understood by others.

2.     Include the tone, pitch, and pacing of our voice


It is not possible for Project Manager to control all the communication in the project by stakeholders (management, client, teams, etc), however he should try to control it to minimize miscommunication. Project Manager must choose the most effective method for communicating the information.

Effective communication is a two-way process which involves active listening and reflects the accountability of speaker and listener. It utilizes feedback to confirm understanding which makes it free of stress.



Note: This is an extract from my book “Project Communication Management Summarized”, you may read the book for complete context and content.