No offence intended, but what does these so called technology companies in India do? Outsourced work! Is that all what we can do? We, the IT people, do we create something innovative or just use what has been created by others? How many times do we get an opportunity to work on something other than the usual business functions (which will be CRUD) to be implemented?
Yes, we do have brains and knowledge to use the technology. How about creating something new, like a new language or doing something innovative. Why is it that most Indians show new ideas and innovative thinking after going outside of India? Is it because of our upbringing and education? Well, the answer is NO. Those wonderful advertizing ads which we see on TV and print media are brain child of our fellow Indians. So why can’t we (IT people) be creative?
Creativity in IT is nothing sort of new to the Indians since we have all read the stories of Indians being successful in doing so. I guess, Hotmail is the most commonly used example in this case. Innovative thinking does not necessary means complex algorithms, it essentially means simple technology…simple technology put to good use.
India’s educational tradition of strong mathematics, science and a strong system of tertiary education has created a strong vast pool of talented programmers and IT professionals. However, it is sad to notice that we still are the “clerk” that British empire had created. Yes, that’s what we are at our core…a clerk. IT people are no different. We do what we are asked to do. Never think out of the box. No new ideas.
So, it doesn’t matter if we are creative programmers or not; at the end of the day, we win our bread and butter.